Holographic Reality of Being: The Nonlocal Universal Mind | |
Nrg (OP) User ID: 892 ![]() 04/22/2008 11:28 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | C'mon! I dislike being a thread killer on my own thread. That's 3 today already. >>Our material reality is but a filtered version of the ultimate unity which connects everything. This filtered version creates separateness because it only perceives bits and pieces of the whole at a time. If we could remove the filter, we would experience reality directly as an interference pattern where all information is distributed non-locally. Again, let’s not forget that we are this pattern. Your hands, this paper, the trees outside the window, our solar system, the entire universe; it’s all a seamless, unbroken extension of everything else. It is one thing. If this is true, then there can be no objective reality because the observer, the process of observing, and the observed become one thing.<< This is the crux of this essay. IMO peace at no cost |
Nrg (OP) User ID: 892 ![]() 04/22/2008 11:35 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | "To know the mechanics of the wave is to know the entire secret of Nature." Walter Russell The psychodynamics of the mind as an electromagnetic structure establishes the nature and reality of consciousness as an interdimensional energy process. It is an electrical process of cause and effect. Consciousness determines our vibration (frequency and amplitude) When we realize that time and space are really ONE I think we then go beyond a simple understanding. This is what Einstein was talking about concerning frequency (time) and amplitude (energy)...and time traveling - and to me, this would mean being spiritually energized to walk in the 4th dimension freely. Physics states the 4th dimension exists (subsequently physicist say 10 dimensions exist that they have mathematically figured so far), we can thus apply it to other spiritual areas as in various mysticism practices. When our energy-amplitude is raised higher it is synonymous with our frequency (time) getting higher. When our frequency raises the distance between the waves are closer, therefore shortening time considerably. So Time is the distance between two points. What your amplitude-energy is determines how efficient you travel that time line. For instance, You are standing by me...you raise your energy, which raises your frequency [if you are efficient at it {efficient in science is least amount of work for the energy expended)]. You dart across the room and come back to standing by me. I do not see you - except for the transition period of your energy ..you coming and going. You might look like a fuzz of light at first..(dart across the room and come back) then a fuzz of light again. This is all that would be noticeable. Or perhaps if one is in movement while this energy transition is taking place, we may observe a "blurring" and see many different phases as in seen in someone taking consecutive pictures of a track and field long jumper. The realities are "blurred" together, and as physics states, can be seen in the multiple dimensions at once. This parallels the concept of the Superstring theory which assumes there are an infinite and alternate series of parallel universes that exist. The viewpoint of many theoretical physicists: light is a vibration of the unseen 4th dimension. What is light? Light, electricity, and magnetism are manifestations of the same thing called electromagnetic radiation that encompasses the electromagnetic spectrum in which only a small fraction of light is visible to us. When we do the "dart across the room" experiment, only the small visible light will be seen as a fraction of the whole energetic transition. Music: When we resonate as in the above example, it can also be viewed as "musical notes" that represents a mode of vibration, a distinct resonance or particle. Michio Kaku a physicist and author of "Hyperspace" states, "Matter is nothing but the harmonies created by this vibrating string..The laws of physics can be compared to the laws of harmony allowed on the string. The universe itself, composed of countless vibrating strings, would then be comparable to the a symphony." "The energy of the heart, right down to our DNA is musical and rhythmic in nature. Geneticist, Susumu Ohno at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope in Duarte, CA, has translated the 4 nucleotides on the strands of DNA. When performed, listeners compared it to Bach, Brahms and Chopin. Listeners were moved to tears." "The universe consists solely of waves of motion...There exists nothing other than vibration." relates Walter Russell in "A New Concept of the Universe". In vibratory physics, the principles that make sound into harmonious music are the same principles that govern all associating vibrations throughout the universe - and that includes everything that there is. Vibrations are dynamic things not unlike "living" things since they are in a mutual state of "harmony". When sound harmonics form direct harmonic relations the two vibrating sounds and their chords of vibration are said to be sympathetic to each other. In other words, resonance - like attracts like. This combined frequency dictates that what happens to one vibratorily happens to the other simultaneously in varying degrees of harmony or dissonance. This is the Law of Cycles as presented by John W. Keely´s "Law of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics". "Music is formless and is therefore the perfect expression of the formless." Innayat Khan Musical notes or sounds can be converted numerically as in the example in the previous section regarding the Fibonacci numbers found in nature. According to mathematics principles, a series of vibrations will multiply many times its own pitch, thus increasing harmonically all those that are near. This is the Law of Harmonic Pitch. This multiplication of frequency and amplitudes is thought of in relation to the Ascension process. All things are energy, thus our "energy bodies" are becoming more attuned, reaching a higher vibrational rate, to the dynamic energetic force of the Universe. Extending and expanding vibrational rates happens in nature and we are merely a part of nature, so we should too, in theory, be capable of "ascension" as dense physical material beings. Sound: "He made the whole world an instrument of sound, and an instrument for carrying messages, resounding praise to the Creator of all. Frank Waters - The Book of the Hopi There is something called the Sacred Sound Current which correlates to the spiritual Hindu "OM" and the Sufi "HU", and the Sant Mat "Shabd". This Music of the Spheres, Logos or Word as called in mystical teachings, goes beyond our limited spoken language. Such ethereal music is referred to also as the Sound of God or the Breath of God since the sound permeates all things. And as we know, all things are composed of energy. This all pervading sound in the current of the Ocean of Consciousness is believed to be the connecting link between God and man. The divine currents are always playing a symphony of ethereal music, however, it does not become audible until we have progressed spiritually enough to hear with the inner ear. Additionally, many mystics, ancient and modern, have reported seeing various colors with the inner eye(s) while in meditation. As physics deems, all is in a vibrational state, and thus can be converted into mathematical renditions, musical notes and color frequencies. Shabd is believed to be the pinnacle point of all the powers of nature in which, according to scriptures, is the method in which God creates. " I dwell in undefiled Light and a Thought revealed itself perceptibly through the great Sound...And it is a Word by virtue of the Sound; it was sent to illumine those who dwell in darkness...I am a Light that illuminates the All. I am the Light..." Trimorphic Protennoia - Nag Hammadi Light and Sound is also viewed as synonymous with each other in the ancient scriptures. This has been mentioned in various contexts within this site as well. They are Interconnected and part of the Whole within the wave/particle duality. We can parallel the holographic universe concept with what Philo of Alexandria´s wrote circa 40 CE, "The whole creation, this entire world perceived by our senses is a copy of the Divine Image...But the shadow of God is his Word which he used like an instrument when he was making the world. And this shadow, and, as it were, model, is the archetype of other things.." We can also note the similarity to Carl Jung´s archetypes within the collective unconscious. "The musician is very close to mysticism, far closer than the philosopher...because music is meaningful without any words; it is meaningful simply because it rings some bells in your heart..creates a synchronicity between you and itself, when your heart starts resonating in the same way, when you start pulsating in the same way." Osho, Philosophia Ultima Frequency: There are known quantitative frequencies that have been measured that illustrate the body and energy connections with comparative measurements to the world around us: note: ^ = means to the power of 10^-8, 10 the minus 8 power Gamma Rays 10^18 to 10^26hz X rays 10^16 to 10^20hz Ultraviolet Light (UV) 10^15 to 10^17hz Visible Light 10^4.7 to 10^15hz Infrared Rays 10^11 to 10^4.7hz Radar Waves 10^9.5 to 10^11.5hz Microwaves 10^8 to 10^9.5hz Television Waves 10^6 to 10^8hz Radio Waves 10^1to 10^6.5hz Elf Waves 10^1hz Earths Ionosphere Cavity Resonance - Schuman Field ranges from 1 Hz to 30 Hz - Radiation Spectrum Audio20 20,000 Hz Ultrasonic 20,000 Hz - 100-kHz - 10 MHz Radiofrequency 150KHz-1.5 MHz High Radio Frequency RF 1.5MHz-40 MHz Very High Radio Frequency VHF 40MHz-100MHz Ultrahigh Radio Frequency UH over 100MHz ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Brain: Alpha 8-13 cycles/sec - relaxed alert Beta 14-30 -intense mental concentration, agitation Theta 4-7 Hypnogogic Delta 5-3.5 Sleeping ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Human Tolerances to sinusodal vibration Head Pain 13-30Hz Impaired Speech 13-20Hz Jaw Pain 6-8Hz Chest Pain 5-7Hz Abdominal Pain 4.5 - 10 Hz Human Body Cell 1,520,000 to 9,460,000 Hz Upper Limit of Human Hearing 15,000 Hz ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Molds, viruses, bacteria, worms, mites range from 77 KHz to 900KHz Warts 400-430Kz Tapeworms 420-450Khz Mites 640KHz - 850KHz Ant 1000 to 1200KHz Goldfish 900 to 1500Khz Chameleon 1000 to 6000KHz Cat 1500 to 8000Khz "Biological systems are influenced by the terrestrial electrical environment. This environment includes electric fields, magnetic fields, field modulations, and aerion(positive and negative) concentrations, and biological waves. Nature ordains harmonious variations of these factors. The human organism exhibits revealing electrical characteristics. Electromagnetic brain waves (0.1 to 30hz) occur at frequencies paralleling those of terrestrial sferics and the Schuman resonance. Decision making abilities are subordinate to alpha, beta, gamma(.01-5hz), theta(4 - 7hz), and delta(0.1-4hz) brain rhythms with their related states of consciousness." Symposium on Biological Effects and Measurement of Biofrequency/Microwaves, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, FDA - Critical Aspects of Human Versus Terrestrial Electromagnetic Symbiosis, E. Stanton Maxey, M.D. , 1977 Duality: As we have learned thus far, all life, coexisting together at the same time, is both matter and space: movement and stillness, sound and silence, light and darkness. As we have seen earlier, the wave/particle duality (Non-Locality) means that everything is joined or connected together. This duality also means that objects that appear to have seemingly opposite properties are of the same substance but in a different form or density of a vibrational level. It is believed that Earth in what is deemed as a "free will zone"..the ongoing battle between the positive and negative forces, the dark vs. light. Scientifically speaking, there is no difference, just differences in frequencies and amplitudes. Simplistically speaking, we are all one. "light and shade, long and short, black and white, can only be experienced in relation to each other; light is not independent of shade, nor black of white. There are no opposites, only relationships." Lankavatara Sutra From "Buddha Speaks" Anne Bancroft 2000 Another example of this polarity principle is found in sound harmonics. Fields may be enharmonic on one level but harmonic on different levels. Enharmonic would be like plucking a guitar string and allowing it to vibrate freely. The sound and the frequencies of the corresponding vibration are no longer exactly in the same frequency ratio. Harmonics, is the vibration multiples of the same frequency. The Taoists also viewed the dynamic interplay between the polar opposites as yin and yang. This pair of opposites share a polar relationship where the two poles are dynamically linked to the other and found throughout nature. This idea of implicit unity of all opposites can be extremely difficult to accept. However paradoxical it may seem to some, Eastern philosophies have always been considered this as essential for attaining enlightenment to go ´beyond earthly opposites,´ and in China the polar relationship of all opposites lies at the very basis of Taoist thought. In the Tao of Physics, "Thus Chuang Tzu says, The "this" is also "that." The "that" is also "this." . . . That the "that" and the "this" cease to be opposites is the very essence of Tao. Only this essence, an axis as it were, is the center of the circle responding to the endless changes." This ancient wisdom of duality is the essence of the Tao. It also appears to be the essence of physics. "Every explicit duality is an implicit unity." Alan Watts Heraclitus the Greek philosopher also realized that all opposites have a unity and relativity. "The way up and down is one and the same," and "God is day night, winter summer, war peace, satiety hunger." Science and religion also represent a complimentary pair of polar opposites residing within a highly complex paradox. If we view these opposites as the ends of the light spectrum, we have a diverse range of human culture and ideals. These cultural dimensions in this range quantify the ideal of "unity of diversity", biologically, ecologically and sociologically. In "The Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh", he eloquently says, "Realizing the interdependent nature of dust, flowers, humans, we see that unity cannot exist without diversity. Unity and diversity interpenetrate each other fully." The full magnitude of the paradox disappears in the light of diverse duality. "Life starts with the knowledge of diversity, but the awareness of unity is the pinnacle of life." Hazrat Inayat Khan The Kybalion: The Kybalion encompasses the study of "The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece". This is considered as the life work of Hermes Trismegistus who was considered to be the "scribe of the gods". This Greco-Egyptian philosopher and mathematician reportedly had written tens of thousands of volumes of books revealing to humankind the healing arts, magic, writing, astrology, science, chemistry and philosophy. This was a time of unity between the scientific and religious studies. Hermes also built several pyramids and reportedly even taught the great mathematician Pythagoras. Oddly enough, Hermes is considered the "Great Central Sun of Occultism". Perhaps Hermes was the living embodiment of duality as he inscribed some of the earliest accounts of the secret of the ultimate reconciliation between the meta-physical science and religion. His wisdom follows in excerpts from the Kybalion. The parallels to "modern" thinking are astounding. "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." "The same Principle manifests in the case of "Light and Darkness," which are the same thing, the difference consisting of varying degrees between the two poles of the phenomena" "The "Art of Polarization becomes a phase of "Mental Alchemy" known and practiced by the ancient and modern Hermetic Masters. An understanding of the Principle will enable one to change his own Polarity, as well as that of others, if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art." "The teachers claim that illustrations of this Principle may be had on every hand, and from an examination into the real nature of anything. They begin by showing that Spirit and Matter are but the two poles of the same thing, the intermediate planes being merely degrees of vibration. They show that THE ALL and The Many are the same, the difference being merely a matter of degree of Mental Manifestation. " By looking carefully at the nature of opposites, we might realize that each pole actually incorporates its opposite, in one form or another - as an essential component of the whole. "To understand the whole it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding." Ken Wilber, Eye of Spirit |
Anonymous Coward User ID: 387522 ![]() 04/22/2008 12:33 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | C'mon! I dislike being a thread killer on my own thread. That's 3 today already. Quoting: Nrg>>Our material reality is but a filtered version of the ultimate unity which connects everything. This filtered version creates separateness because it only perceives bits and pieces of the whole at a time. If we could remove the filter, we would experience reality directly as an interference pattern where all information is distributed non-locally. Again, let’s not forget that we are this pattern. Your hands, this paper, the trees outside the window, our solar system, the entire universe; it’s all a seamless, unbroken extension of everything else. It is one thing. If this is true, then there can be no objective reality because the observer, the process of observing, and the observed become one thing.<< This is the crux of this essay. IMO peace at no cost I wish it was easier to remove the filter; glimpses of what lies beyond will have to do for now. ![]() . |
Nrg (OP) User ID: 892 ![]() 04/22/2008 01:39 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | "I wish it was easier to remove the filter; glimpses of what lies beyond will have to do for now." Yes, dear Lightworker friend, the veil is thinning. My perceptions are of an increase of these moments where time and space blur. Ride the wave if you dare Ride the wave if you care Moody Blues: Just open your eyes, And realise, the way it's always been. Just open your mind And you will find The way it's always been. Just open your heart, And that's a start. From: [link to www.soulsofdistortion.nl] Chaos theory In the seventies of the 20th century, a new science emerged out of the blue, chaos theory! Where quantum science reveals that at the nuclear level objectivity doesn’t hold true, chaos theory goes even one step further in disappointing Einstein who believed that God doesn’t play dice. Chaos theory reveals that the unpredictability, the uncertainty of quantum science is also true for what was believed to be predictable events. According to chaos theory scientists have been fooling themselves for centuries! By ignoring small deviations in measurements, calling them measurement errors, they had missed the point altogether! Predictable systems that could be fully explained with Newtonian physics such as the swinging of a pendulum of a clock and the orbits of the planets behaved in a chaotic way instead of being perfectly predictable. The new reality revealed by chaos theory is that there is chaos, unpredictability even in the swinging of a pendulum! Our universe does not abide to strict laws of physics at all. Physical laws only operate within certain boundaries, giving them a degree of freedom. Chaos theory showed that our universe by no means is deterministic; it is creative and eternally evolving. Chaos in Greek mythology is regarded as the cosmic force that creates form from emptiness, nothingness. Physical laws themselves may not be predetermined but may evolve over time. In this respect a better term for physical laws would be physical habits, the natural habits that have evolved in billions of years to become just the way the universe works. The universe can be regarded as an evolving system of habits. Physical laws are more or less a universal memory of how to do things. Chaos theory continues to explain that although events may seem totally random at first sight, there still exists order at a deeper level! Examples of random events with chaotic order are the irregular dripping of water drops from a tap, the crystallization of ice crystals. Although the sequence of drops that will be falling from a water tap is completely unpredictable even by chaos theory, there is still a deeper order, a pattern to be discerned! Ice crystals are all similar but not identical, it’s impossible to predict what the ice crystals will look like when they crystallize. However chaos theory is able to demonstrate that ice crystals have a common hidden order. The founder of chaos theory is Benoit B. Mandelbrot. Employed as a mathematician at IBM in New York, Mandelbrot discovered that there is a hidden mathematical order in the seemingly random order of price fluctuations. He studied the price of cotton, a commodity with a vast amount of price data, dating back hundreds of years. Mandelbrot found a pattern in the price fluctuations that was quite revolutionary to say the least. It baffled economists, who couldn’t believe that something like the price of cotton could be predicted. What Mandelbrot discovered was what he later termed a fractal. A fractal is a recursive geometric pattern that is repeated at different scales indefinitely. The most famous fractal is the Mandelbrot fractal. Fractals are often used in screen saver software of computers. They keep on repainting the screen eternally with an increasing complexity of geometric patterns. The ‘order’ in the Mandelbrot chaotic fractal is quite simple it’s a formula: z -> z² + c, whereas z is a complex number and c is a constant. The formula is recursive; each new value of z is fed into the formula again and determines the next value. The initial value is 0. Z is a complex number that consists of a real part and an imaginary part. The real and imaginary values of z can be plotted in an x-y diagram rendering these amazing pictures. Different values for c will render different fractals and gives the fractal its degree of freedom. Fractals were found everywhere in nature, for instance in the arteries and veins in the vascular system of the body and the bronchi of the human lungs. Plants have fractal symmetry; broccoli is a beautiful example, but also a mountain landscape is fractal. When we zoom into an object that is fractal, we see the pattern of the object at macro level repeated at the micro level, no matter how much we zoom in. Chaos theory has discovered the existence of four basic cosmic attractors, the point, cycle, torus and strange attractor. We will not go into detail about the differences but mention that an attractor can best be described as the force in nature that creates order out of chaos. The chaos is drawn to the attractor creating a hidden order. The four types of attractor work at every level of reality, creating our universe out of chaos. The world is not totally organized by fixed physical laws as formally believed but it is self-organizing and the fourfold type of attractors organizes it. Chaos theory also makes an end to a centuries old physics law, the second law of thermodynamics, the law of entropy that states that all order in the universe will eventually decay to disorder. The attractors of chaos theory prove that negentropy (negative entropy) creating order out of chaos must exist in the universe. In fact it seems to be the rule and not the exception! The attractors of chaos theory completely reverse the idea of cause and effect. Causality is based on the idea that every effect must have a cause that in time is prior to the effect. However in chaos theory, the cause is the attractor, the unseen force in the future that draws the effects, the current and past time events to it. The attractor in chaos theory is a force that Greek philosopher Aristotle called entelechy, the goal that draws the events of change to it. |
Starbug User ID: 405948 ![]() 04/22/2008 02:00 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Michael Talbot (G-d rest his soul) wrote the Bible on "The Holographic Universe!" Talbot was a genius in making sense of complicated concepts like the nature of our holographic being-my suggestion to anybody interested in truly understanding and appreciating life, read "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot-end of story. [link to www.amazon.com] ----------------------------------------------------- Here's a typical reader's take on the book. Enjoy, Starbug This is one of the most provocative books I have read in years. In the first few chapters Mr. Talbot describes the emerging holographic paradigm in science, drawing on David Bohm's work in quantum physics and Karl Pribam's work in neuroscience. I found both descriptions to be fascinating, and especially enjoyed the historical context for the work of these two seminal thinkers. As a person with a master's degree in neuroscience and chaos/complexity theory, I found a couple of his simplifications misleading, but would give him high marks for his overall comprehension of the conclusions of Pribam and his followers. The remaining 2/3 of the book is a discussion of how the holographic paradigm may provide a rational basis for interpreting a wide variety of phenomenon located around the fringes of established science. He looks at everything from strange historical "miracles" like stigmata and appearances of the Virgin Mary to modern psychic abilities and LSD experiences, from out-of-body and near-death-experiences to UFO abductions. In addition, he compares language used in the modern scientific discussion of holography with the language used by ancient mystical traditions. Mr. Talbot's writing style is unusually clear and lucid. All of this makes for a highly engaging book. It kept me up late every night for more than a week. I am a person who has had an OBE/NDE (out-of-body, near-death-experience), and can tell you that his description of such events is an astoundingly accurate portrayal of what I experienced. I am also a scientist, and know that most of my highly rational, empirical colleages would have trouble accepting a majority of Mr. Talbot's conclusions. This work addresses something so completely out of the realm of everyday experience for most people, and probes a world that is normally invisible to the five senses. Hence, objective, empirical science -- as defined by a conventional theorist or practicing technician -- simply cannot address these experiences. They are outside the range of focus of the tool that Western minds currently rely on. The service that Mr. Talbot provides is a challenge to rethink the conventional definition of science so that it can take into account a much wider range of human experience. What he argues for is the acceptance, as valid scientific data, of the experiences of individual humans, across cultures and throughout history, that are remarkably consistent with one another. These experiences address aspects of reality that are invisible to the skeptical eye, but become obvious to the person who chooses to develop other forms of perception. As a person who was unwittingly thrown into an OBE/NDE experience, I am naturally inclined to read a book like this one with an open mind, and felt immensely rewarded for doing so. However, if I had reviewed the same book before having my own personal experience of some of the phenomena it describes, I would have reviewed it as a new-age excursion into a realm of fantasy. I am completely sympathetic to some of the reviewers who see it that way, and respectfully disagree. I believe there is an extraordinary synthesis happening among the realms of human experience, one that can validate each individual's story, however unusual, and also one that honors all the different ways of knowing. I see Mr. Talbot's work as one of the more important bridges yet constructed between traditional science and spirituality, between rational discourse about repeatable, empirically verifiable phenomenon and the quirky, esoteric or mythological elements of personal experience that actually define most people's experience of reality. This book is a "must read" for any passionate seeker of truth. A review by Damian Nash (Durango, Colorado) iStarbug So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure, How amazingly unlikely is your birth, And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth. Monty Python - Galaxy Song |
Amaruca User ID: 420547 ![]() 04/22/2008 02:01 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Micheal Talbot [link to www.amazon.com] "God" said, let us make man in our image.. IMPLYING genetic hybridization "I awoke only to find, that the rest of the world was still asleep" |